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The Past

As of late I have been bumping into a few people from my past, way past. Which brought to mind there are some people from that period I could remember and find. To get to know them again and see how they are doing with their lives. There was a fellow student I went to PCI with, his girlfriend and him moved into my trailer. I have no idea why I lost touch with them. Wish I could make contact with them again. There was this girl that worked at Greenwood mall in one of the outer stores. I knew her but as with many people during that time I can not remember a name. It was shortly after my divorce during the mid 90’s. So many people I had known and now cant even remember their names.

Its been a long time

I tend to post infrequently, most of the time I just go through my life on my own merry little way. Sometimes something strikes me and I feel the need to blog about it. I went out to lunch with my wife today, a nice sit down lunch at a decent restaurant. Having worked restaurant when I was much younger (just turned 45 a month ago) I am keening aware of the difficulties in it. I always try and smile and call my waitress or waiter by there name, I little friendliness costs me nothing and might make them have a brighter day.  So our waitress was an older woman I would say about 70ish, and in her section this crew of about 15 or so construction workers came in. they were discourteous, trashed their area. I know how I would have felt if my waitress had been my mother and I had seen that. It takes no time and costs you nothing to be nice, to smile, to recognize then as a person by using their name, but not just waitresses, anyone, especially in this season. The world is not as bright right now, be that light to someone, smile, be friendly. I was going to talk about more things, I am trying to learn how to make my own music for Hardstyle, and Dubstep, but its not going very well, I neither have the equipment and really don’t know what I am doing, and usually when I start trying to learn to do something I don’t know how to do, its rather disastrous. I admire people like HeadHunterz, Evil Activities, and Skrillex and would love to create one track even half as good as theirs. Sadly I have no experience, I am just a DJ that spins the tracks others create.

I have not posted in a while due to my recent move. I am finally getting settled in, looking for work, as well as pondering the Metaverse. I maintain my account in SL as well as OSGrid. In the last week I have finally started working with mesh, even made my first mesh stack of crates. I have a long way to go =) I am also working in learning SQL and other software, programming languages I believe will not only enhance my further journey in the Metaverse, but lead to a better job within IT. Which brings me to a crossroad. I have not spent as much time as I should have in the last few months paying attention to the Metaverse as a whole. There are so many new directions it is growing, and some in which it is dying. Over the next week or two I will get back into the swing of things and catch up on what I should know about the Metaverse. Then I will make a decision on which direction is right for me. I would be interested in hearing all your opinions, so you can respond here and it would hopefully lead to a further discussion.

OSGrid Open Art Gallery is now accepting artists to exhibit their work. We have 15 spaces available with 250 prims per space. The gallery is on the Devonshire region. Contact Omen Crow for a more information.








With an old friend of mine (Olivia Hotshot), we use to run an open air art gallery in Second Life. I have moved on to Opensim, OSGrid and I miss providing that type of venue. It was something I was proud of and now I look forward to doing it again. I am designating up to half of my region to the “OSGrid Open Art Gallery”. Now what that means, is once it is up and running, I will provide space for artist to exhibit their own original work. Prims and space size to be determined on a case by case basis. This will be a one month off, one month on rotation, the off month is to allow the new artists to setup their area for their show, then the first day of the on month we will have a big opening gala.  Every other month I would like new artist and new art. It is my plan to be ready to have the artist start placing their art the first of July.  Any artist interested in exhibiting, please contact me (Omen Crow) in OSGrid. I will invite you to the group and send you the Artist Exhibit Pack I am putting together. I also encourage everyone to attend when we open to appreciate our community.  Those wanting to help out can contact me as well.

A New Idea

So late last night I had a moment of insight, I in my mind developed a new product. Its one I feel could be a huge money maker.  Sadly, I have no idea where to begin, how to protect my idea, or money to get it going. These are all things I have to solve.

Last week I returned to OSGrid after having been away for awhile. The OSGrid Admins Key, and Dan were very helpful. My first day back in I went and selected a plot of free land. The next day I abandoned it and had purchased a full region to be hosted by Dreamland Metaverse.  So here I am now with a brand new region called Omen Crows World,  but that’s not the whole story. I was so excited to get started and build, so I log in and have this beautiful big green slate. I just stand there, what do I do now, where do I begin. Ah I know, I rezz some of the things I ported over from SL. There I am surrounded by some of my best creations, should be inspirational. Unfortunately there was no help to be found there. Ah I know, I will wander around and see places and meet people. So first thing I do is port over to the LBSA welcome area. There in front of me was a Kani avatar. I couldn’t believe it, I had given up being a Kani again since moving out of SL. Those of you who know Omen Crow in SL know I am a cyber Kani. So I contacted the person to find out where they might have gotten the AV from, she supplied me the name. I contacted the person and they sent me the complete AV. Now I am a Kani again. Now with me feeling much better I decide to upload a few of the skins I created. I had also created one of my model bots to test my creations on. While dragging my model around to get clothing I ran into Lara Nguya. She has been a great help in trying some of my new skins. There was a time the other day I had thought about giving it all up. She took the time to sit down and show me her creations and her vision and the amazing things she created from that vision. That time gave me spark and has permitted me to see that whatever I do will be amazing. The biggest problem is I had no plan, I had idea’s but no clear defined plan. Well I am creating that plan and I have met some wonderful people. I have met Timber Wolfe, he runs 9 sims and hosts the American Indian Virtual Library. I look forward to visiting there. So while I still don’t have a plan, I have an idea and at times that is better. I wish to thank all those I have met in OSGrid and those that have become my friend. The world we will create will be amazing.

There are times when all of us have the brief flash of clarity that gives us the ability for just that moment to see everything. Time halts, and in that  my understanding built upon things I already understood. We are intuitive machines, our ability to leap past constraints in our thinking will always be our truly amazing heritage. Now that  takes my understanding and expands on it, people have talked about collective consciousness, the thing is, its developing  all around us and few have seen it. The internet connects us in ways we have not yet fully come to understand. If I do not know how to do something a quick connection on the internet can lead me to a tutorial or someone who can share that knowledge with me. We are at the birth of something truly amazing for us as a species and will shape us and our descendants in ways we can not even imagine at this time. For once we have the potential to come together as a species and shape our future.

As I reported earlier, I plan to Host Omen Crow’s World myself. So I have a few questions for the community at large. I have put up a few small standalone grids, as well as one that attached to OSGrid. I am looking for all feedback from the community on my questions so please don’t hesitate to chip in.

1. What will my grid run better on (Faster, Stable, Usage)?  Windows (What version) or Linux (What Version)

2. Which would be more beneficial for me, to maintain Omen Crow’s World as a standalone with hypergrid access to OSGrid and other places, or be part of OSGrid?

3. Since I am going to be doing this on a dedicated box, I am guessing I should install a full dedicated apache webserver, and full mysql, and not use xampp?

All feedback, advice, comments are welcome. I look forward to hearing all of your thoughts.


Mr. Smiley

I have been down alot lately and my wife made me a Mr. Smiley to bring a smile to my face. It certainly worked and was simply amazing so I had to share and may it bring a smile to your face and brighten your day as it did mine.