Category: Educational Building

So I am here in Club Industry in SL. Listening to the great music, dancing, wearing one of my original steampunk outfits I made. Ann Steckel and I have finished the build for Stockton College, Ann has some pictures of it up on her flickr here Stockton College Photo’s. So I am here pondering where to go from here. I have been doing Information Technology for almost 20 years. I am currently not working in the IT field as there is a low demand for it where I currently live. I have been taking a lot of varied courses from I have learned so much and look forward to continuing to learn. So with that said I have pondered getting some certs. Something I have not done in a few years. I was considering MCITP for SQL developer, or maybe Sharepoint. I have also considered CISSP since I have done work in that area before. A fellow IT friend of mine has recommended forgetting that and getting a MCSE or Echange certification. I am still undecided which direction I want to go. When I was younger, MCSE and administrating a network would have been my chosen direction. But lately I am more drawn to develop, to create, to express myself. I guess that is why I have so much fun building in SL and DJing. As I grow older I come to realize creating is the only endeavor worthy of my efforts. I am still lost though in which direction I wish to go. SQL or Sharepoint, or is there another option open to me. As to my Art, I am letting my premium membership at DeviantArt expire and going back to a standard membership. I have not created any new art in a while so it is not especially cost-effective to pay for what I am not using.

The last few nights I have been working in SL building the initial facility that Stockton College will be using. I have been working closely again with Olivia Hotshot (Ann Steckel of U of C – Chico) We have built many fantastic area’s for several Universities. Its been going very well and I am looking forward to seeing how well Stockton College responds to it. But tonight when I finished I went to Rubber Room (A dance club) and listened to Alexx Strzelecki (live DJ) spin the music. I use to DJ at the Rubber Room but due to computer issues I have not been able to in a few months and will not be able to till I get a new computer in April. While enjoying the music I sent out my yearly Christmas Box gift to people on my friends list and random people at the club that knew me when I use to DJ there, or just took the time to talk to me. People really seem amazed by my avatar in SL. I am a Cyber Kani (Rabbit). I think it suits my personality quite well. I also have tendencies to slip into Steampunk.  To whence I was took the time to talk to a dear friend of my in SL named BlakOpal Galicia who designs Steampunk clothing in SL. I had the joy of browsing through some of her latest clothing which can be found here at her web store. I was both thrilled and excited by the fashions she is setting. Other than that, just bouncing around the clubs checking out the latest in the music scene. I DJ Industrial and Hardstyle music so I tend to visit the various clubs to see whats getting played and what is moving and shaking the masses. I tend to focus on spinning music that sounds good to me. So always looking for the newest music. Being a Promo DJ I get a lot of new music from the Artists and I am always looking for more to get smaller bands noticed. But tonight has been a really enjoyable night, and if you ever find yourself in SL send a hello to Omen Crow.